
Best Bill Gates Favorite Books

Do you want to read books recommended by Bill Gates? If yes then you are at the right place because I bring you Bill Gates Favorite Books.

Every year, Bill Gates recommends books on his site in summer and winter. He has a youtube channel and blog where he recommends some of the books.

It is his personal reading recommendation. He uploads short videos on youtube and publishes book reviews on his site.

Bill Gates reads impressive books, it consists of nonfiction. Genres like technology, science, business, education, economics, medicine, history, biography, and many more.

If you like nonfiction like me, then this list will blow your mind. Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world and the founder of Microsoft.


This is not a perfect list but the success he achieved in life, through that we can trust bill gates books recommendation.

Bill Gates recommends so many books every year, chances are that you might choose only one book that grabs your attention.

An important thing is – If you do not find your title of interest and would like to recommend more like this post then subscribe to our blog.

Because you will get the recommendation of some of the best books to read in 2021. I am not Bill Gates but I will try my best to provide you the best books.

Let’s start to explore Bill Gates Favorite Books.

Bill Gates Favorite Books

I put the books between the year 2012 to 2020. He has been recommending the books since 2012 so I started with that.

Summer 2012

Winter 2012

Summer 2013

Winter 2013

Summer 2014

Winter 2014

Also Read:  Best Graphic Novels for Kids

Summer 2015

Winter 2015

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Summer 2016

Winter 2016

Summer 2017

Winner 2017

Summer 2018

Winner 2018

Summer 2019

Winner 2019

Summer 2020

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All books are officially suggested by Bill Gates. I have put the category of books beside the book name.

Hope you like these books. If you want to purchase a book then I have put the link below for the book.

Comment below if you have any questions regarding the book titles and links. Hope you like this post on Bill Gates Favorite Books.

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